About us - What makes us tick

wunderweiss is a collective of specialists. We stand for clear, user-oriented design and innovative, well thought-out technology.

We evaluate your needs and realize or accompany project requests. We work as consultants and in implementation in various industrial sectors; in large companies, but also for small and medium-sized enterprises.

After almost 20 years, we are just as enthusiastic, curious and consistent as we were in the beginning.

What we can offer

  • Brand design and development
  • Corporate design and formulation of guiding principles
  • Orientation design and principles of use
  • Design and implementation of interfaces
  • Provision of concepts for communication and technical architectures
  • Consultancy for questions regarding digitalisation with a focus on “process optimisation”
  • Technical implementation of all web-based application ideas
  • Development work ranging from CMS, via smart speaker, TV and smartphone apps, up to extensions for Chrome or Firefox. Development of interfaces and data models
  • DSGVO-compliant consent management
  • Implementation and maintenance of even complex architectures in the Amazon Cloud (aws)

We are the best choice

  • for perfectly tailored solutions
  • for seemingly impossible requirements
  • if you appreciate quality and reliability

See you soon!